Friday, August 28, 2009


So I was hoping for a Royalty check this month from my first book. Turns out, that is not going to happen. I need about 50 dollars worth of royaltiees before I get paid. I have about 10. Eight people have bought my book.

I was feeling down about that but than I realized why should I let it bother me.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Final Day

I just finished my second final day of undergraduate work. This time around it was more chillaxed than the time before. I am 99.99999999999999999999999999999% certain that I really did graduate this time. There will not any once you rewrite this paper you will graduate. Followed by a no that published paper of yours is still not good enough. You see, this final day is for real. I can feel it in my bones.

Also, every since my wife and I decided to move to Texas with no Job, no housing, no nothing we have been repeatedly impressed to move the move date up. So, as of Monday Kiki, Hank, the baby girl and I will be abandoning our goods and will be driving to Texas. I wonder if the Tex-Mex food is any good there. I kind of feel like the Pioneers going into the great unknown... only we are going East.

Our things will follow us a few weeks later. How fun is that? I promise... we are not insane.

Well, maybe a little.

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Blog begins towards the end of the story

Good morning. While I know I don't really have any readers, it is always fun to pretend people read me. I am PJ, well at least for the current book I am writing. For the book I already published, Of Eyes, Voices, and Serpents: and Other Classic Tales of Adventure and Politics, I was M. Scott Richardson. However, my current project is an autobiographical incident, so I figured my name and authorship should be even further away from my real name.

My life is about where I plan on ending my book. My wife, kids, and I are about to take a giant leap in the dark. If that is as interesting as the beginning of the story maybe I will have my third book to work on. But I know full well that there is almost no chance of me making money with my books. The leap in the dark (a great book by John Ferling by the way) that my family is about to take is a move to Austin Texas. We have no money (or very little money) and no job offer. If any of you read the title story in my first book you may understandthe plan.

We just feel that we are supposed it get up and move to Texas--specifically Austin. Weird. To paraphrase the Barry Goldwater campaign "In our heart we know it's right."