Sunday, October 4, 2009

I love you Cheeseburger

Recently Hank has taken to repeatedly watching "Silly Songs" from Veggie Tales. It got to the point that when we asked him what he wanted to eat for dinner he said a cheeseburger because of the "I Love You Cheeseburger" song sung by Mr. Lunt, a squash from New Jersey. Before the song was introduced to Hank I doubt he even knew the word cheeseburger. But now he wanted one for dinner.
The next day we went to the Whataburger. Henry ran ahead of us and told the lady he wanted a cheeseburger. As we were waiting for the food, the kid went up to the lady and told her he wanted fries too.
This was the first time one of my children ever ordered his own food. It was a good day. Of course, he barely ate any of the burger he ordered at that time (he ate the rest of it for breakfast today). It is a proud day in a father's life when his son orders his first piece of beef on his own. Whataboy.
Back to the "Silly Songs," Hank likes to sing "Barbara Manatee." The kid makes me smile.
"If someone were to drop some Cheese in the dirt he would Wipe it off for you; Wash it off for you; clean that dirty cheese off just for you."

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