Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Katie or Catherine Zeta and Zac?

Well this little conversation happened ages ago (back when I still lived in California) between my wife and I. I was going to write in my my "manuscript" but I cannot find the file. Well here it goes:

"K, so..."

"Cheese. Go on."

"I have an important question for you. When this whole experience of ours is made into a movie who is going to play you and who is going to play me?"

"Um, I don't know."

"I was thinking the part of Kiki should be played by either Catherine Zeta Jones or Katie Holmes. Catherine is probably too old to play you so I guess Katie would be the top choice."

"Katie would be a good choice. She seems like a good mother too. I mean Tom and Katie are always photographed with their Suri in parks and what not."

"So who should play me?"

"Zac Efron."

"Isn't he a little young?"

"Does that matter? 8 years is not that big of a deal. Besides, by the time the movie is made he may be the perfect age. Also, he has the perfect hair to play you."

" You are probably right."

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